A film by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Anastasia Mikova
26 minutes
© Hope Production - 2015

It’s the biggest river delta in the world, and it’s a country. Its name, is Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is the key to a better understanding of the real challenges to come. With millions of inhabitants, with 80% of the population living in rural areas on a low altitude territory… Under the monsoon influence, in a weather sensitive area, this country will reveal how human have to struggle for their everyday life. Joy and kindness has not disappeared however, saying how mankind is also able to overpass major challenge, to adapt or to face trouble.
Shot in most part of the country, in the capital Dhaka as well as alongside main rivers, exploring chars and islands, this film with no interviews but the power of a beautiful aerial filming tells the story of a pioneering nation in climate issues.
A story that should not be forgotten anymore, a message for all other countries. A film dedicated to mankind, love and land.